You guys, when I was planning this trip I followed some amazing photographers in instagram that photograph in Paris, and they have amazing work. I loved Paris, it was awesome, but I definitely enjoyed a lot more photographing my friends in the trip. We had planned since the instant we booked our flights and constantly talked about what they will wear and the locations and such. So the morning of the shoot we woke up so early, and it was hard because I remember being so cold, and I helped Karen with her makeup and we got out before the sun was out and started walking to the Metro to figure out how to get to the Trocadero to get this amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. When we got there it was like 7:30am and you can tell already some photo shoots that where going on there where already wrapping up because some tourists already started arriving, but when you're exiting to the area the view you get is definitely worth while getting up early. The sun was barely coming out and shining bright into the morning. We walked so much that morning, but I want to say it was worth it for sure. Take a look at my favorite photos from the session in Paris !